Important Attendance Information
Absentee Notes
Absences shall be treated as unlawful until the school district receives an absence note explaining the absence.
Absent notes may be hand-delivered to the school by your child during regular school hours or a parent/guardian can email the absent notes to the school.
Attendance Email:
Absent notes should include your child's name, the date of the absence, the reason for the absence, and a parent/guardian signature.
An absent note must be submitted within three (3) school days of the absence.
Educational Trips:
- If you know that your child will be absent because of a trip, you must fill out an educational trip form. This form can be found hyperlinked below and in the main office. The form is due to the attendance office at least 10 days prior to your scheduled trip.
Parent/Guardian Excuse Notes:
- Parents/guardians can excuse up to ten absences each school year for their child. Once a child accumulates ten parent/guardian excuse notes, any future absences will be considered unexcused/unlawful unless the absent note is from a medical office or any other facility approved by the PVSD school board. For more details, please reference the Student Handbook and/or contact the Middle School Main Office.