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8th Grade Algebra I Class



Requirements include:

1.   A score of “at grade level” or “above grade level” on the most recent iReady benchmark.

2.  92% or higher average in math for each marking period

3. A passing score on the Algebra I placement exam OR

 successful completion of the 7/8 Mathematics course.

  Algebra I consists of a study of the real number system, sets, variables, open sentences, factoring, rational and irrational numbers and problem-solving using variables.  The emphasis is on the structure of real numbers, algebraic concepts, deductive reasoning, and precision of language. A comprehensive final exam counts as 20% of the final average.   Note: All students taking this course are required to take the Keystone Exam to support PVSD graduation requirements No high school credit or GPA will carry over and the grade WILL NOT affect the student’s high school GPA or class rank.