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8th Grade Honors English Prep


Students interested in being considered for English Honors Prep must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. 7th grade STAR Advanced level on fall, winter and spring benchmark assessments
  2. 7th grade STAR Instructional Reading level at 9+
  3. 7th grade English Language Arts  AVERAGE of 92 at the end of the school year
  4. 7th Grade Advanced PSSA ELA score
  5. Successful completion of entrance examination and essay


All Middle School students accepted into the class will be required to complete an assigned summer reading novel and activities. The novel title and specific expectations will be distributed at the end of the school year.  Failure to submit these assignments on time could result in the removal from the English Honors Prep course.


This course will be in full compliance with the ELA and Reading Pennsylvania Core State Standards (PCSS) and grade-level skill anchors. It will focus on building excellence in writing, vocabulary, and literature in all genres and structures and a variety of nonfiction texts while increasing the rigor of expectations within the units and assignments. The integrated curriculum will continue to build on all literacy skills in preparation for the successful transition to the rigors of the 9th-grade Honors Curriculum at Pleasant Valley High School. Successful completion of this course will guarantee entrance to the High School 9th-grade Honors English class.