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7th Grade Welcome Letter

Pleasant Valley Middle School

School Health Services

Dear Parent or Guardian,

The school nurses would like to welcome you and your child to the Pleasant Valley Middle School! I am looking forward to working with all of you. I would like to provide you with important information related to school health services.

State Mandated Vaccinations

  • Tdap and MCV (meningococcal) is required for entry into 7th grade (these are usually given at the 11 year old physical exam)
  • One of the following must be provided to the school before the first day of 7th grade:
    • Documentation of vaccinations
    • Religious/ethical/moral exemption
    • Medical exemption
  • Exclusion from school: a student who does not have the above documented will be excluded from school until documentation of vaccinations or exemption is provided

State Required Dental Exams

  • Dentals are required for 7th grade students
  • These can have been completed one year prior to the required grade level
  • If your child is not examined by your family physician and dentist, we will notify you of the dates when the school physician and dentist will provide free screenings in school

State Mandated Health Screenings Provided by School Nurse

  • 7th grade students: growth screen (height and weight), vision screen, hearing screen, scoliosis screen


  • Pleasant Valley School District Medication Policy must be followed and a medication authorization form must be completed and signed by both the physician and a parent each school year
  • Medical statement form for severe allergies or epilepsy must be completed and signed by both physician and a parent

All forms and documents can be dropped off at the school or can be sent to the nurse via email or fax

Have a great school year!

Amy Krasniqi BSN, RN, CSN
570-402-1000 ext. 2062
Fax: 570-992-3932